Friday, December 28, 2018

Simple steps for contentment : New Year

We often end every year thinking about the resolutions for next year and most of the times we do not follow what we planned! 

-Set goals, work towards them
-Keep time for yourself to pursue something you love
-Go to new cities meet new people broaden your outlook
-Don't shy away from expressing your love for your closed ones
-Eat what you like but in control
-Spend time with family and friends
-Stay away from people who put you down
-Stay away from all negativity
-Do at least some physical exercise everyday
-Don't stress about things not in your control
-Let go of people and feelings which do not bring positivity or happiness
-Share with underprivileged it brings immense joy
- Laugh more, live more, stress less, worry less
- Enjoy present, don't be depressed about past or worry about future
- Love a lot it will come back


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