Friday, December 28, 2018

Who Am I

This poem is a heartfelt one penned by me!! Hope you like it!!

You think you know me well
Then time to sit back and gauge
Cause you will never know enough
what I am and what I can ever be!!
I can be vulnerable, yet guarded
Can be loud, yet silent
Can talk non stop, yet hear you well
Can love you with all my might, yet hate you from deep inside!!
I can be your reflection if I may like
and can be your rival when time arise
I can exert, yet be idle
I can fly and yet be grounded
You wont find an adjective for me
I am who I am and love being me!!
Often ask myself Who Am I
The answer is safely locked with key flying high!! 


Simple steps for contentment : New Year

We often end every year thinking about the resolutions for next year and most of the times we do not follow what we planned! 

-Set goals, work towards them
-Keep time for yourself to pursue something you love
-Go to new cities meet new people broaden your outlook
-Don't shy away from expressing your love for your closed ones
-Eat what you like but in control
-Spend time with family and friends
-Stay away from people who put you down
-Stay away from all negativity
-Do at least some physical exercise everyday
-Don't stress about things not in your control
-Let go of people and feelings which do not bring positivity or happiness
-Share with underprivileged it brings immense joy
- Laugh more, live more, stress less, worry less
- Enjoy present, don't be depressed about past or worry about future
- Love a lot it will come back