Friday, January 05, 2018

Easy steps to attain happiness/contentment

In this world staying happy and content is quite a challenge for most of us. Hence sharing some easy steps to remain happy and stay positive. These are entirely from my personal experiences and hope these will help the readers. I have divided the activities broadly into 2 groups physical and emotional or mental. First one describes the actual physical tasks that will keep you stay positive and emotional ones are the ones which help in attaining mental peace!

  • Get up in the morning and pray to whoever you consider as supreme force – this gives strength to get through the day
  • Have a glass of water and do free hand exercise at least for 10 mins – this helps to remove the negative and toxic energy
  • Maintain a routine for daily activities for e.g. breakfast timings, getting ready for office, office activities, evening walks, household shopping list – this keeps the mind busy and does not allow negative thoughts
  • Keep few plants in balcony or courtyard and make sure to water them everyday – seeing the plant grow or seeing new flowers bloom gives lot of hope and positivity
  • Do not overeat while feeling depressed – this does not help rather worsens the situation. When feeling depressed take a walk or climb stairs, this will help divert the mind


  • Do not spend time on thinking about past mistakes, rather think about how those can be avoided in future
  • Do not think about people who hate you or why they hate you.  There are many who will hate you without any reason, it’s not worth spending even a minute thinking about them. Rather invest time on people who love you whom we mostly take for granted
  • Surround yourself with happy faces, positive people and stay away from whiners
  • Avoid talking about the things or people you hate, rather talk about the ways you are going to avoid them
  • Don’t brood over any problem, it increases the same. Instead take a deep breath and note down the solution
  • Never compare your life with anybody else’s. Everyone has their share of success and failures, sorrows and happiness. Think about your life and your achievements.
  • Make a point to talk more frequently to the people who give you positive vibes such as parents, siblings, close friends
  • Make plans to spend time with loved ones plan a short trip, or a movie
  • Pamper yourself at times and spend Me time like solo shopping, parlor sessions, watch favorite series or movie alone, or read a book
Hope this will help!! Kindly feel free to leave your comments and suggestions!!